Innovation Strategy
Innovation is one of the elements that defines Indumetal Recycling since its birth. This is one of the keys that has made it possible to be a leading company in Spain both in logistics services and in specialized treatments for the decontamination of WEEE and treatment of complex scrap in order to recover the maximum of the raw materials contained, both in volume as well as quality.
Strategic Areas
Indumetal currently works in four strategic areas.
The overall target in the recovery of plastics, metals and other critical materials is the generation of zero waste, obtaining in this sense, the highest possible revaluation of the waste, avoiding going to landfill. By the other hand, process automation and digital transformation are focused on making the transition to a Smart Factory model capable of competing in an increasingly demanding industry and thus making the leap to Industry 4.0. These four areas are merged for continuous improvement of recycling processes and products.
All our processes have been developed by the company's own technicians in collaboration with technology and research centers, institutions and other companies in the sector.